Turkish Yogurt

Ahh, Turkish yogurt....such a delight. Turkish yogurt is a thick, creamy type of plain yogurt. If you have ever tasted Greek yogurt, Turkish yogurt has a smoother texture and a milder flavor. After trying this stuff out, I don't know if I can ever go back to Greek yogurt. In Turkey, you can eat and drink yogurt.

Yogurt is used in many dishes and as an accompaniment to a meal. For example, last night I had a yogurt soup with cucumbers for a starter and an Iskander Kebab that came with a dollop of yogurt on the side as a main course. My favorite breakfast is a breakfast of yogurt and fruit (preferably berries), but that's not really a traditionally Turkish breakfast. It's possible I might get tired of eating Turkish yogurt by the end of the summer, but I doubt it.

For those who think the picture looks a bit scary, fear not, the wrinkled portion is just a skin you peel off before digging into the yogurt.


Beatrice V said…
You are already sampling the local delicacies, I see. AND you just have to try, just try the bread too, not sure what is called, a type flat-ish bread, sometime with sesame seeds on top... olives as well.

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