Bemoaning Greek Yogurt in London

One of the joys in my life is eating my 2% Fage Greek Yogurt. It is so vital to my happiness that it became one of the criteria I factored into evaluating jobs. If a position was in a country where there was unlikely to be greek yogurt, well......I was unlikely to go for it.

So when I accepted a job in London, I took it for granted that there would be greek yogurt here. And there was. But when I tasted it, it was completely different from what I was used to eating. It was even the same brand and everything. I was crushed. Horribly depressed. How can a company do that to a person?! It's just not right!!

For some reason, the greek yogurt in London tastes more bland. It is still thick and creamy, but the taste is plain and the texture is completely different. My initial thought is that perhaps the greek yogurt in the US is made with sheep's milk (which is how authentic greek yogurt is made) whereas the greek yogurt in the UK is made with cow's milk. Anyone else have plausible explanations? I am currently running an informal facebook and gmail survey of my friends. Will post anything that sounds plausible.

And now I refuse to buy greek yogurt in the UK. It is a complete waste of money! Thankfully, I live in a Turkish area and I can buy excellent Turkish yogurt. Ha! That'll teach the Greeks!!


Anonymous said…
Hi Kareen,

I have exactly the same problem. I grew up in Greece. Now I live in London, impossible to find good quality traditional Greek yogurt here. Where should I look for the Turkish one?

Thanks, Kostis
Kareen said…
Hi Kostis,

You can find Turkish yogurt at any small Turkish grocers. I used to live in Clapton, which is full of Turkish grocers. You can also find them in the Old Street/Hoxton area.

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