Jacoway Inn in Dominica- A Real Treat!

I recently came back from a fantastic vacation in the Caribbean. One of the highlights of my trip was an Inn in Calibishie, on the northeast coast of Dominica, called Jacoway Inn. I was so pleased with the Inn and with our host, Carol Ann, a Canadian chef from Vancouver, but as a foodie, I was most pleased about Carol Ann's breakfast. She served us a continental breakfast of fresh fruit, toast, jam, coffee, tea and juice. I had medium to high expectations, knowing that she was a chef, but when I bit into my toast spread with mango jam, I nearly melted in my seat!

Her bread was home-baked, her jam was home-made with mangos from the area, and the juice was freshly pressed from fruits picked in her garden and the neighborhood. I was at the time recovering from a painful hike and enduring cramps, but it all melted away until I was woefully jolted back my anguishing reality by the empty bread basket. I briefly considered just spooning the luscious jam into my mouth, but was thankfully held back by manners. 

Breakfast was so good it also became a race against my travel companion. Having forgotten the art of sharing upon his first bite of Carol Ann's bread, he was quickly wolfing away at our small stack of freshly baked slices! Needless to say, I lost the battle. Still, I managed to enjoy 2-3 slices of toast. Carol Ann, polite as ever, offered to bring us more bread, but we declined, in shame of our gluttony. We had requested that Carol Ann make us dinner as well, but alas, her stove was broken, and we will have to wait until the next visit to taste more of her culinary goodies. 

Dominica is a must see in the Caribbean and within it, the Jacoway Inn is the best place to stay, not least for culinary treats. Reservations can be made by calling +1 767 445 8872 or by making a booking on this page. On the same page, you'll also find Carol Ann's recipe for her Key Lime pie, which is sure to be divine. The picture on this page is Batibou Beach, where Carol Ann took us and one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. 


Sharonkay said…
Hello from Sharon:

I just read your blog post and I am thinking of planning a trip to Dominica in 2014 or 2015.I came across the Jacoway Inn listed on tripadvisor.com It sounds like a really nice, cozy place to stay in Dominica. I am thinking about staying there as my 1st choice when I go to Dominica. The breakfast that Carol cooks sounds really wonderful and delicious. I love fresh baked artisan breads and homemade jams.

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